Our programs are designed to reach students in the Nicholtown community, equip them as leaders in the way of Jesus, and elevate them into positions of leadership - for the good of their community.

Open Gym
Eleos runs a basketball open gym twice per week at the Phillis Wheatley Community Center located in the Nicholtown neighborhood. There’s nothing particularly sacred about basketball, but in our neighborhood it serves as a great catalyst for developing meaningful friendships. Relationships are the bedrock of everything that we do. You can’t invest in someone you don’t know, and you won’t receive the investment of someone you don’t trust. Holistic ministry starts and ends with relationships of mutual respect.
It’s our desire to serve and equip every student in a holistic way through our after-school program. Our after-school program includes group mentorship, tutoring, job-readiness training, field trips and opportunities to further explore the deeper questions of life and faith.

“Those closest to the problem are closest to the solution but often, furthest from the resources.” That’s not a saying original with us, but we’ve happily adopted it. We believe an essential part of what it means to serve our neighbors, is equipping our neighbors to lead alongside us. We host a weekly leadership program for 6 students (3 guys, 3 girls), hosted by our Directors, Cam and Joy Hill.