Join us in Nicholtown
It takes those who have experienced God’s love, to share God’s love. We believe all lasting life-change begins and ends with the love of God. We seek to serve our neighbors (in the love of God) and equip them in their God-given potential, through a team of volunteers who have experienced God’s love, and have a deep desire to share it with those around them.
Our programs rely heavily on committed volunteers willing to give regularly of their gifts, talents and time. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team, please check out our links posted below!​
We whole-heartedly believe that God is at work in the world renewing all things. He’s healing each of us from the wounds we’ve experienced in life. He’s forming us into the likeness of Jesus, and he’s using us to bring healing and renewal into the world. We have the privilege of getting involved, but everything of eternal significance done in this world is the result of God’s loving power at work in our lives and in our communities. We’re begging God to heal the students we work with. We’re begging God to form them into the likeness of Jesus – which is the fulness of their God-given potential. And we’re begging God to transform our neighborhood through each of them. Will you join us in praying towards that end?
We stand as a witness to the generosity of countless people. God has always met our needs, and he’s done it through your generosity! The Lord continues to bless our ministry by adding to our numbers the amount of students and families we are able to serve. As our ministry grows, our expenses necessarily increase along with it. Would you prayerfully consider giving towards our general operating budget? Giving on a recurring monthly basis helps provide the working capital we need to invest more time, energy, and resources into our volunteer team, our programs, and our neighbors.