Grace Bridger
Program Director
Grace Bridger was born and raised in Greenville, SC! She attended Wade Hampton High School and North Greenville University. She was introduced to the non-profit world in 2017 through Mill Village Farms & became our Program Director in the fall of 2019! Anyone who knows Grace knows she loves to throw a party & one of her favorite Éleos memories definitely goes to show it: “Our first annual Christmas party in 2019 was a BLAST – over 40 students, volunteers and family members came!” When Grace isn’t hanging out with our students, she loves spending as much time outdoors as possible, whether it is on a backpacking trip or a picnic in the park.

Zoé Oliphant
Program Manager
Zoe Oliphant is a native of Greenville, SC. She is a 2017 graduate of Riverside High School. She is currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communication at the University of South Carolina Upstate. GO SPARTANS! She became our Program Coordinator in the summer of 2021 and she is excited to be a part of the ministry. Zoe believes that with a balance of education, exposure, and awareness of one's God-given potential can direct them into a bright future. When asked why she's excited to be a part of Eleos she said, "We are impacting lives and the community one day at a time, one step at a time. Jesus did not ask us to save, he told us to serve. He told us to LOVE." When Zoe is not with our students, she enjoys spending time with her family.

Jay Goodjoine
Program Coordinator
Jaden was born and raised in Greenville, SC. He moved to the Nicholtown community in 2016 and started going to éleos as a student playing basketball at open gym. From 2016-2018 he was a student, and after finishing school he became a mentor at Eeos for 1 year. He then moved to Dallas, GA, and started driving trucks. Over time, he realized this wasn't his passion, and that his passion was to help youth develop into great leaders. In 2023 he moved back to Greenville, SC, and joined the Eleos team. Jaden also has a wife and 3 amazing kids. He enjoys playing basketball with the students and hanging out.

Corbin Hogue
Leadership Development Coordinator
Corbin is a Gaffney native & is married with three incredible sons! He has a passion to see the gospel lived out in the city. His ultimate goal is to see bridges being built, walls torn down, and unity displayed. Corbin has served in ministry for over 10 years in South Carolina, Georgia, and Ohio. When asked why he’s excited to be a part of éleos he says “I’m excited because we have the opportunity to pour into the next generation. We are serving the future leaders of this world - that’s a huge responsibility and honor.” When Corbin has free time he loves to spend it with his wife and children!

Joy Hill
Co-founder & Family Services Coordinator
Joy was born in Queens, raised in Reading, PA. She sprinted her way through college on the Cedarville University Track & Field team and graduated with an Exercise Science degree. Joy and her husband Cameron were married in 2013 and started their lives together in Nicholtown and shortly after, founded Eleos Ministry. Joy is an extrovert and spends her time going on adventures with Cam and their three kids, teaching group exercise classes at active living communities, gardening, playing sports, meeting new neighbors, encouraging others to live healthy, active lifestyles, and traveling to see her siblings. For Eleos, Joy will continue to connect our student families and neighbors with local organizations to improve their circumstances and provide opportunities to flourish. She's passionate about creating community and building relationships with neighbors and her hope is to reveal the need for Jesus in every aspect of life.